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/se3master/var/www/se3/elements/js/ -> wz_tooltip_new.js (source)

   1  /* This notice must be untouched at all times.
   2  Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Walter Zorn. All rights reserved.
   4  wz_tooltip.js     v. 5.3
   6  The latest version is available at
   7  http://www.walterzorn.com
   8  or http://www.devira.com
   9  or http://www.walterzorn.de
  11  Created 1.12.2002 by Walter Zorn (Web: http://www.walterzorn.com )
  12  Last modified: 7.10.2008
  14  Easy-to-use cross-browser tooltips.
  15  Just include the script at the beginning of the <body> section, and invoke
  16  Tip('Tooltip text') to show and UnTip() to hide the tooltip, from the desired
  17  HTML eventhandlers. Example:
  18  <a onmouseover="Tip('Some text')" onmouseout="UnTip()" href="index.htm">My home page</a>
  19  No container DIV required.
  20  By default, width and height of tooltips are automatically adapted to content.
  21  Is even capable of dynamically converting arbitrary HTML elements to tooltips
  22  by calling TagToTip('ID_of_HTML_element_to_be_converted') instead of Tip(),
  23  which means you can put important, search-engine-relevant stuff into tooltips.
  24  Appearance & behaviour of tooltips can be individually configured
  25  via commands passed to Tip() or TagToTip().
  27  Tab Width: 4
  30  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  31  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  32  License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  33  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  35  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  36  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  39  For more details on the GNU Lesser General Public License,
  40  see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
  41  */
  43  var config = new Object();
  46  //===================  GLOBAL TOOPTIP CONFIGURATION  =========================//
  47  var tt_Debug    = true        // false or true - recommended: false once you release your page to the public
  48  var tt_Enabled    = true        // Allows to (temporarily) suppress tooltips, e.g. by providing the user with a button that sets this global variable to false
  49  var TagsToTip    = true        // false or true - if true, HTML elements to be converted to tooltips via TagToTip() are automatically hidden;
  50                              // if false, you should hide those HTML elements yourself
  52  // For each of the following config variables there exists a command, which is
  53  // just the variablename in uppercase, to be passed to Tip() or TagToTip() to
  54  // configure tooltips individually. Individual commands override global
  55  // configuration. Order of commands is arbitrary.
  56  // Example: onmouseover="Tip('Tooltip text', LEFT, true, BGCOLOR, '#FF9900', FADEIN, 400)"
  58  config. Above            = false     // false or true - tooltip above mousepointer
  59  config. BgColor         = '#E2E7FF' // Background colour (HTML colour value, in quotes)
  60  config. BgImg            = ''        // Path to background image, none if empty string ''
  61  config. BorderColor        = '#003099'
  62  config. BorderStyle        = 'solid'    // Any permitted CSS value, but I recommend 'solid', 'dotted' or 'dashed'
  63  config. BorderWidth        = 1
  64  config. CenterMouse        = false     // false or true - center the tip horizontally below (or above) the mousepointer
  65  config. ClickClose        = false     // false or true - close tooltip if the user clicks somewhere
  66  config. ClickSticky        = false        // false or true - make tooltip sticky if user left-clicks on the hovered element while the tooltip is active
  67  config. CloseBtn        = false     // false or true - closebutton in titlebar
  68  config. CloseBtnColors    = ['#990000', '#FFFFFF', '#DD3333', '#FFFFFF']      // [Background, text, hovered background, hovered text] - use empty strings '' to inherit title colours
  69  config. CloseBtnText    = '&nbsp;X&nbsp;'    // Close button text (may also be an image tag)
  70  config. CopyContent        = true        // When converting a HTML element to a tooltip, copy only the element's content, rather than converting the element by its own
  71  config. Delay            = 400        // Time span in ms until tooltip shows up
  72  config. Duration        = 0         // Time span in ms after which the tooltip disappears; 0 for infinite duration, < 0 for delay in ms _after_ the onmouseout until the tooltip disappears
  73  config. Exclusive        = false        // false or true - no other tooltip can appear until the current one has actively been closed
  74  config. FadeIn            = 100        // Fade-in duration in ms, e.g. 400; 0 for no animation
  75  config. FadeOut            = 100
  76  config. FadeInterval    = 30        // Duration of each fade step in ms (recommended: 30) - shorter is smoother but causes more CPU-load
  77  config. Fix                = null        // Fixated position, two modes. Mode 1: x- an y-coordinates in brackets, e.g. [210, 480]. Mode 2: Show tooltip at a position related to an HTML element: [ID of HTML element, x-offset, y-offset from HTML element], e.g. ['SomeID', 10, 30]. Value null (default) for no fixated positioning.
  78  config. FollowMouse        = true        // false or true - tooltip follows the mouse
  79  config. FontColor        = '#000044'
  80  config. FontFace        = 'Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif'
  81  config. FontSize        = '8pt'     // E.g. '9pt' or '12px' - unit is mandatory
  82  config. FontWeight        = 'normal'    // 'normal' or 'bold';
  83  config. Height            = 0         // Tooltip height; 0 for automatic adaption to tooltip content, < 0 (e.g. -100) for a maximum for automatic adaption
  84  config. JumpHorz        = false        // false or true - jump horizontally to other side of mouse if tooltip would extend past clientarea boundary
  85  config. JumpVert        = true        // false or true - jump vertically        "
  86  config. Left            = false     // false or true - tooltip on the left of the mouse
  87  config. OffsetX            = 14        // Horizontal offset of left-top corner from mousepointer
  88  config. OffsetY            = 8         // Vertical offset
  89  config. Opacity            = 100        // Integer between 0 and 100 - opacity of tooltip in percent
  90  config. Padding            = 3         // Spacing between border and content
  91  config. Shadow            = false     // false or true
  92  config. ShadowColor        = '#C0C0C0'
  93  config. ShadowWidth        = 5
  94  config. Sticky            = false     // false or true - fixate tip, ie. don't follow the mouse and don't hide on mouseout
  95  config. TextAlign        = 'left'    // 'left', 'right' or 'justify'
  96  config. Title            = ''        // Default title text applied to all tips (no default title: empty string '')
  97  config. TitleAlign        = 'left'    // 'left' or 'right' - text alignment inside the title bar
  98  config. TitleBgColor    = ''        // If empty string '', BorderColor will be used
  99  config. TitleFontColor    = '#FFFFFF'    // Color of title text - if '', BgColor (of tooltip body) will be used
 100  config. TitleFontFace    = ''        // If '' use FontFace (boldified)
 101  config. TitleFontSize    = ''        // If '' use FontSize
 102  config. TitlePadding    = 2
 103  config. Width            = 0         // Tooltip width; 0 for automatic adaption to tooltip content; < -1 (e.g. -240) for a maximum width for that automatic adaption;
 104                                      // -1: tooltip width confined to the width required for the titlebar
 105  //=======  END OF TOOLTIP CONFIG, DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW  ==============//
 110  //=====================  PUBLIC  =============================================//
 111  function Tip()
 112  {
 113      tt_Tip(arguments, null);
 114  }
 115  function TagToTip()
 116  {
 117      var t2t = tt_GetElt(arguments[0]);
 118      if(t2t)
 119          tt_Tip(arguments, t2t);
 120  }
 121  function UnTip()
 122  {
 123      tt_OpReHref();
 124      if(tt_aV[DURATION] < 0 && (tt_iState & 0x2))
 125          tt_tDurt.Timer("tt_HideInit()", -tt_aV[DURATION], true);
 126      else if(!(tt_aV[STICKY] && (tt_iState & 0x2)))
 127          tt_HideInit();
 128  }
 130  //==================  PUBLIC PLUGIN API     =====================================//
 131  // Extension eventhandlers currently supported:
 132  // OnLoadConfig, OnCreateContentString, OnSubDivsCreated, OnShow, OnMoveBefore,
 133  // OnMoveAfter, OnHideInit, OnHide, OnKill
 135  var tt_aElt = new Array(10), // Container DIV, outer title & body DIVs, inner title & body TDs, closebutton SPAN, shadow DIVs, and IFRAME to cover windowed elements in IE
 136  tt_aV = new Array(),    // Caches and enumerates config data for currently active tooltip
 137  tt_sContent,            // Inner tooltip text or HTML
 138  tt_t2t, tt_t2tDad,        // Tag converted to tip, and its DOM parent element
 139  tt_scrlX = 0, tt_scrlY = 0,
 140  tt_musX, tt_musY,
 141  tt_over,
 142  tt_x, tt_y, tt_w, tt_h; // Position, width and height of currently displayed tooltip
 144  function tt_Extension()
 145  {
 146      tt_ExtCmdEnum();
 147      tt_aExt[tt_aExt.length] = this;
 148      return this;
 149  }
 150  function tt_SetTipPos(x, y)
 151  {
 152      var css = tt_aElt[0].style;
 154      tt_x = x;
 155      tt_y = y;
 156      css.left = x + "px";
 157      css.top = y + "px";
 158      if(tt_ie56)
 159      {
 160          var ifrm = tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1];
 161          if(ifrm)
 162          {
 163              ifrm.style.left = css.left;
 164              ifrm.style.top = css.top;
 165          }
 166      }
 167  }
 168  function tt_HideInit()
 169  {
 170      if(tt_iState)
 171      {
 172          tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "HideInit");
 173          tt_iState &= ~(0x4 | 0x8);
 174          if(tt_flagOpa && tt_aV[FADEOUT])
 175          {
 176              tt_tFade.EndTimer();
 177              if(tt_opa)
 178              {
 179                  var n = Math.round(tt_aV[FADEOUT] / (tt_aV[FADEINTERVAL] * (tt_aV[OPACITY] / tt_opa)));
 180                  tt_Fade(tt_opa, tt_opa, 0, n);
 181                  return;
 182              }
 183          }
 184          tt_tHide.Timer("tt_Hide();", 1, false);
 185      }
 186  }
 187  function tt_Hide()
 188  {
 189      if(tt_db && tt_iState)
 190      {
 191          tt_OpReHref();
 192          if(tt_iState & 0x2)
 193          {
 194              tt_aElt[0].style.visibility = "hidden";
 195              tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "Hide");
 196          }
 197          tt_tShow.EndTimer();
 198          tt_tHide.EndTimer();
 199          tt_tDurt.EndTimer();
 200          tt_tFade.EndTimer();
 201          if(!tt_op && !tt_ie)
 202          {
 203              tt_tWaitMov.EndTimer();
 204              tt_bWait = false;
 205          }
 206          if(tt_aV[CLICKCLOSE] || tt_aV[CLICKSTICKY])
 207              tt_RemEvtFnc(document, "mouseup", tt_OnLClick);
 208          tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "Kill");
 209          // In case of a TagToTip tip, hide converted DOM node and
 210          // re-insert it into DOM
 211          if(tt_t2t && !tt_aV[COPYCONTENT])
 212              tt_UnEl2Tip();
 213          tt_iState = 0;
 214          tt_over = null;
 215          tt_ResetMainDiv();
 216          if(tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1])
 217              tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1].style.display = "none";
 218      }
 219  }
 220  function tt_GetElt(id)
 221  {
 222      return(document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(id)
 223              : document.all ? document.all[id]
 224              : null);
 225  }
 226  function tt_GetDivW(el)
 227  {
 228      return(el ? (el.offsetWidth || el.style.pixelWidth || 0) : 0);
 229  }
 230  function tt_GetDivH(el)
 231  {
 232      return(el ? (el.offsetHeight || el.style.pixelHeight || 0) : 0);
 233  }
 234  function tt_GetScrollX()
 235  {
 236      return(window.pageXOffset || (tt_db ? (tt_db.scrollLeft || 0) : 0));
 237  }
 238  function tt_GetScrollY()
 239  {
 240      return(window.pageYOffset || (tt_db ? (tt_db.scrollTop || 0) : 0));
 241  }
 242  function tt_GetClientW()
 243  {
 244      return tt_GetWndCliSiz("Width");
 245  }
 246  function tt_GetClientH()
 247  {
 248      return tt_GetWndCliSiz("Height");
 249  }
 250  function tt_GetEvtX(e)
 251  {
 252      return (e ? ((typeof(e.pageX) != tt_u) ? e.pageX : (e.clientX + tt_scrlX)) : 0);
 253  }
 254  function tt_GetEvtY(e)
 255  {
 256      return (e ? ((typeof(e.pageY) != tt_u) ? e.pageY : (e.clientY + tt_scrlY)) : 0);
 257  }
 258  function tt_AddEvtFnc(el, sEvt, PFnc)
 259  {
 260      if(el)
 261      {
 262          if(el.addEventListener)
 263              el.addEventListener(sEvt, PFnc, false);
 264          else
 265              el.attachEvent("on" + sEvt, PFnc);
 266      }
 267  }
 268  function tt_RemEvtFnc(el, sEvt, PFnc)
 269  {
 270      if(el)
 271      {
 272          if(el.removeEventListener)
 273              el.removeEventListener(sEvt, PFnc, false);
 274          else
 275              el.detachEvent("on" + sEvt, PFnc);
 276      }
 277  }
 278  function tt_GetDad(el)
 279  {
 280      return(el.parentNode || el.parentElement || el.offsetParent);
 281  }
 282  function tt_MovDomNode(el, dadFrom, dadTo)
 283  {
 284      if(dadFrom)
 285          dadFrom.removeChild(el);
 286      if(dadTo)
 287          dadTo.appendChild(el);
 288  }
 290  //======================  PRIVATE  ===========================================//
 291  var tt_aExt = new Array(),    // Array of extension objects
 293  tt_db, tt_op, tt_ie, tt_ie56, tt_bBoxOld,    // Browser flags
 294  tt_body,
 295  tt_ovr_,                // HTML element the mouse is currently over
 296  tt_flagOpa,             // Opacity support: 1=IE, 2=Khtml, 3=KHTML, 4=Moz, 5=W3C
 297  tt_maxPosX, tt_maxPosY,
 298  tt_iState = 0,            // Tooltip active |= 1, shown |= 2, move with mouse |= 4, exclusive |= 8
 299  tt_opa,                 // Currently applied opacity
 300  tt_bJmpVert, tt_bJmpHorz,// Tip temporarily on other side of mouse
 301  tt_elDeHref,            // The tag from which we've removed the href attribute
 302  // Timer
 303  tt_tShow = new Number(0), tt_tHide = new Number(0), tt_tDurt = new Number(0),
 304  tt_tFade = new Number(0), tt_tWaitMov = new Number(0),
 305  tt_bWait = false,
 306  tt_u = "undefined";
 309  function tt_Init()
 310  {
 311      tt_MkCmdEnum();
 312      // Send old browsers instantly to hell
 313      if(!tt_Browser() || !tt_MkMainDiv())
 314          return;
 315      // Levy 06/11/2008: Important! IE doesn't fire an onscroll when a page
 316      // refresh is made, so we need to recalc page positions on init.
 317      tt_OnScrl();
 318      tt_IsW3cBox();
 319      tt_OpaSupport();
 320      tt_AddEvtFnc(window, "scroll", tt_OnScrl);
 321      // IE doesn't fire onscroll event when switching to fullscreen;
 322      // fix suggested by Yoav Karpeles 14.2.2008
 323      tt_AddEvtFnc(window, "resize", tt_OnScrl);
 324      tt_AddEvtFnc(document, "mousemove", tt_Move);
 325      // In Debug mode we search for TagToTip() calls in order to notify
 326      // the user if they've forgotten to set the TagsToTip config flag
 327      if(TagsToTip || tt_Debug)
 328          tt_SetOnloadFnc();
 329      // Ensure the tip be hidden when the page unloads
 330      tt_AddEvtFnc(window, "unload", tt_Hide);
 331  }
 332  // Creates command names by translating config variable names to upper case
 333  function tt_MkCmdEnum()
 334  {
 335      var n = 0;
 336      for(var i in config)
 337          eval("window." + i.toString().toUpperCase() + " = " + n++);
 338      tt_aV.length = n;
 339  }
 340  function tt_Browser()
 341  {
 342      var n, nv, n6, w3c;
 344      n = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
 345      nv = navigator.appVersion;
 346      tt_op = (document.defaultView && typeof(eval("w" + "indow" + "." + "o" + "p" + "er" + "a")) != tt_u);
 347      tt_ie = n.indexOf("msie") != -1 && document.all && !tt_op;
 348      if(tt_ie)
 349      {
 350          var ieOld = (!document.compatMode || document.compatMode == "BackCompat");
 351          tt_db = !ieOld ? document.documentElement : (document.body || null);
 352          if(tt_db)
 353              tt_ie56 = parseFloat(nv.substring(nv.indexOf("MSIE") + 5)) >= 5.5
 354                      && typeof document.body.style.maxHeight == tt_u;
 355      }
 356      else
 357      {
 358          tt_db = document.documentElement || document.body ||
 359                  (document.getElementsByTagName ? document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]
 360                  : null);
 361          if(!tt_op)
 362          {
 363              n6 = document.defaultView && typeof document.defaultView.getComputedStyle != tt_u;
 364              w3c = !n6 && document.getElementById;
 365          }
 366      }
 367      tt_body = (document.getElementsByTagName ? document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]
 368                  : (document.body || null));
 369      if(tt_ie || n6 || tt_op || w3c)
 370      {
 371          if(tt_body && tt_db)
 372          {
 373              if(document.attachEvent || document.addEventListener)
 374                  return true;
 375          }
 376          else
 377              tt_Err("wz_tooltip.js must be included INSIDE the body section,"
 378                      + " immediately after the opening <body> tag.", false);
 379      }
 380      tt_db = null;
 381      return false;
 382  }
 383  function tt_MkMainDiv()
 384  {
 385      // Create the tooltip DIV
 386      if(tt_body.insertAdjacentHTML)
 387          tt_body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", tt_MkMainDivHtm());
 388      else if(typeof tt_body.innerHTML != tt_u && document.createElement && tt_body.appendChild)
 389          tt_body.appendChild(tt_MkMainDivDom());
 390      if(window.tt_GetMainDivRefs /* FireFox Alzheimer */ && tt_GetMainDivRefs())
 391          return true;
 392      tt_db = null;
 393      return false;
 394  }
 395  function tt_MkMainDivHtm()
 396  {
 397      return(
 398          '<div id="WzTtDiV"></div>' +
 399          (tt_ie56 ? ('<iframe id="WzTtIfRm" src="javascript:false" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="filter:Alpha(opacity=0);position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;display:none;"></iframe>')
 400          : '')
 401      );
 402  }
 403  function tt_MkMainDivDom()
 404  {
 405      var el = document.createElement("div");
 406      if(el)
 407          el.id = "WzTtDiV";
 408      return el;
 409  }
 410  function tt_GetMainDivRefs()
 411  {
 412      tt_aElt[0] = tt_GetElt("WzTtDiV");
 413      if(tt_ie56 && tt_aElt[0])
 414      {
 415          tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1] = tt_GetElt("WzTtIfRm");
 416          if(!tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1])
 417              tt_aElt[0] = null;
 418      }
 419      if(tt_aElt[0])
 420      {
 421          var css = tt_aElt[0].style;
 423          css.visibility = "hidden";
 424          css.position = "absolute";
 425          css.overflow = "hidden";
 426          return true;
 427      }
 428      return false;
 429  }
 430  function tt_ResetMainDiv()
 431  {
 432      tt_SetTipPos(0, 0);
 433      tt_aElt[0].innerHTML = "";
 434      tt_aElt[0].style.width = "0px";
 435      tt_h = 0;
 436  }
 437  function tt_IsW3cBox()
 438  {
 439      var css = tt_aElt[0].style;
 441      css.padding = "10px";
 442      css.width = "40px";
 443      tt_bBoxOld = (tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[0]) == 40);
 444      css.padding = "0px";
 445      tt_ResetMainDiv();
 446  }
 447  function tt_OpaSupport()
 448  {
 449      var css = tt_body.style;
 451      tt_flagOpa = (typeof(css.KhtmlOpacity) != tt_u) ? 2
 452                  : (typeof(css.KHTMLOpacity) != tt_u) ? 3
 453                  : (typeof(css.MozOpacity) != tt_u) ? 4
 454                  : (typeof(css.opacity) != tt_u) ? 5
 455                  : (typeof(css.filter) != tt_u) ? 1
 456                  : 0;
 457  }
 458  // Ported from http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/06/again/
 459  // (Dean Edwards et al.)
 460  function tt_SetOnloadFnc()
 461  {
 462      tt_AddEvtFnc(document, "DOMContentLoaded", tt_HideSrcTags);
 463      tt_AddEvtFnc(window, "load", tt_HideSrcTags);
 464      if(tt_body.attachEvent)
 465          tt_body.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",
 466              function() {
 467                  if(tt_body.readyState == "complete")
 468                      tt_HideSrcTags();
 469              } );
 470      if(/WebKit|KHTML/i.test(navigator.userAgent))
 471      {
 472          var t = setInterval(function() {
 473                      if(/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState))
 474                      {
 475                          clearInterval(t);
 476                          tt_HideSrcTags();
 477                      }
 478                  }, 10);
 479      }
 480  }
 481  function tt_HideSrcTags()
 482  {
 483      if(!window.tt_HideSrcTags || window.tt_HideSrcTags.done)
 484          return;
 485      window.tt_HideSrcTags.done = true;
 486      if(!tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(tt_body))
 487          tt_Err("There are HTML elements to be converted to tooltips.\nIf you"
 488                  + " want these HTML elements to be automatically hidden, you"
 489                  + " must edit wz_tooltip.js, and set TagsToTip in the global"
 490                  + " tooltip configuration to true.", true);
 491  }
 492  function tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(dad)
 493  {
 494      var ovr, asT2t;
 495      // Walk the DOM tree for tags that have an onmouseover or onclick attribute
 496      // containing a TagToTip('...') call.
 497      // (.childNodes first since .children is bugous in Safari)
 498      var a = dad.childNodes || dad.children || null;
 500      for(var i = a ? a.length : 0; i;)
 501      {--i;
 502          if(!tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(a[i]))
 503              return false;
 504          ovr = a[i].getAttribute ? (a[i].getAttribute("onmouseover") || a[i].getAttribute("onclick"))
 505                  : (typeof a[i].onmouseover == "function") ? (a[i].onmouseover || a[i].onclick)
 506                  : null;
 507          if(ovr)
 508          {
 509              asT2t = ovr.toString().match(/TagToTip\s*\(\s*'[^'.]+'\s*[\),]/);
 510              if(asT2t && asT2t.length)
 511              {
 512                  if(!tt_HideSrcTag(asT2t[0]))
 513                      return false;
 514              }
 515          }
 516      }
 517      return true;
 518  }
 519  function tt_HideSrcTag(sT2t)
 520  {
 521      var id, el;
 523      // The ID passed to the found TagToTip() call identifies an HTML element
 524      // to be converted to a tooltip, so hide that element
 525      id = sT2t.replace(/.+'([^'.]+)'.+/, "$1");
 526      el = tt_GetElt(id);
 527      if(el)
 528      {
 529          if(tt_Debug && !TagsToTip)
 530              return false;
 531          else
 532              el.style.display = "none";
 533      }
 534      else
 535          tt_Err("Invalid ID\n'" + id + "'\npassed to TagToTip()."
 536                  + " There exists no HTML element with that ID.", true);
 537      return true;
 538  }
 539  function tt_Tip(arg, t2t)
 540  {
 541      if(!tt_db || (tt_iState & 0x8))
 542          return;
 543      if(tt_iState)
 544          tt_Hide();
 545      if(!tt_Enabled)
 546          return;
 547      tt_t2t = t2t;
 548      if(!tt_ReadCmds(arg))
 549          return;
 550       tt_iState = 0x1 | 0x4;
 551      tt_AdaptConfig1();
 552      tt_MkTipContent(arg);
 553      tt_MkTipSubDivs();
 554      tt_FormatTip();
 555      tt_bJmpVert = false;
 556      tt_bJmpHorz = false;
 557      tt_maxPosX = tt_GetClientW() + tt_scrlX - tt_w - 1;
 558      tt_maxPosY = tt_GetClientH() + tt_scrlY - tt_h - 1;
 559      tt_AdaptConfig2();
 560      // Ensure the tip be shown and positioned before the first onmousemove
 561      tt_OverInit();
 562      tt_ShowInit();
 563      tt_Move();
 564  }
 565  function tt_ReadCmds(a)
 566  {
 567      var i;
 569      // First load the global config values, to initialize also values
 570      // for which no command is passed
 571      i = 0;
 572      for(var j in config)
 573          tt_aV[i++] = config[j];
 574      // Then replace each cached config value for which a command is
 575      // passed (ensure the # of command args plus value args be even)
 576      if(a.length & 1)
 577      {
 578          for(i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 2)
 579              tt_aV[a[i - 1]] = a[i];
 580          return true;
 581      }
 582      tt_Err("Incorrect call of Tip() or TagToTip().\n"
 583              + "Each command must be followed by a value.", true);
 584      return false;
 585  }
 586  function tt_AdaptConfig1()
 587  {
 588      tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "LoadConfig");
 589      // Inherit unspecified title formattings from body
 590      if(!tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR].length)
 591          tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR] = tt_aV[BORDERCOLOR];
 592      if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR].length)
 593          tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR] = tt_aV[BGCOLOR];
 594      if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE].length)
 595          tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE] = tt_aV[FONTFACE];
 596      if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE].length)
 597          tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE] = tt_aV[FONTSIZE];
 598      if(tt_aV[CLOSEBTN])
 599      {
 600          // Use title colours for non-specified closebutton colours
 601          if(!tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS])
 602              tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS] = new Array("", "", "", "");
 603          for(var i = 4; i;)
 604          {--i;
 605              if(!tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][i].length)
 606                  tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][i] = (i & 1) ? tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR] : tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR];
 607          }
 608          // Enforce titlebar be shown
 609          if(!tt_aV[TITLE].length)
 610              tt_aV[TITLE] = " ";
 611      }
 612      // Circumvents broken display of images and fade-in flicker in Geckos < 1.8
 613      if(tt_aV[OPACITY] == 100 && typeof tt_aElt[0].style.MozOpacity != tt_u && !Array.every)
 614          tt_aV[OPACITY] = 99;
 615      // Smartly shorten the delay for fade-in tooltips
 616      if(tt_aV[FADEIN] && tt_flagOpa && tt_aV[DELAY] > 100)
 617          tt_aV[DELAY] = Math.max(tt_aV[DELAY] - tt_aV[FADEIN], 100);
 618  }
 619  function tt_AdaptConfig2()
 620  {
 621      if(tt_aV[CENTERMOUSE])
 622      {
 623          tt_aV[OFFSETX] -= ((tt_w - (tt_aV[SHADOW] ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0)) >> 1);
 624          tt_aV[JUMPHORZ] = false;
 625      }
 626  }
 627  // Expose content globally so extensions can modify it
 628  function tt_MkTipContent(a)
 629  {
 630      if(tt_t2t)
 631      {
 632          if(tt_aV[COPYCONTENT])
 633              tt_sContent = tt_t2t.innerHTML;
 634          else
 635              tt_sContent = "";
 636      }
 637      else
 638          tt_sContent = a[0];
 639      tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "CreateContentString");
 640  }
 641  function tt_MkTipSubDivs()
 642  {
 643      var sCss = 'position:relative;margin:0px;padding:0px;border-width:0px;left:0px;top:0px;line-height:normal;width:auto;',
 644      sTbTrTd = ' cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="' + sCss + '"><tbody style="' + sCss + '"><tr><td ';
 646      tt_aElt[0].style.width = tt_GetClientW() + "px";
 647      tt_aElt[0].innerHTML =
 648          (''
 649          + (tt_aV[TITLE].length ?
 650              ('<div id="WzTiTl" style="position:relative;z-index:1;">'
 651              + '<table id="WzTiTlTb"' + sTbTrTd + 'id="WzTiTlI" style="' + sCss + '">'
 652              + tt_aV[TITLE]
 653              + '</td>'
 654              + (tt_aV[CLOSEBTN] ?
 655                  ('<td align="right" style="' + sCss
 656                  + 'text-align:right;">'
 657                  + '<span id="WzClOsE" style="position:relative;left:2px;padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px;'
 658                  + 'cursor:' + (tt_ie ? 'hand' : 'pointer')
 659                  + ';" onmouseover="tt_OnCloseBtnOver(1)" onmouseout="tt_OnCloseBtnOver(0)" onclick="tt_HideInit()">'
 660                  + tt_aV[CLOSEBTNTEXT]
 661                  + '</span></td>')
 662                  : '')
 663              + '</tr></tbody></table></div>')
 664              : '')
 665          + '<div id="WzBoDy" style="position:relative;z-index:0;">'
 666          + '<table' + sTbTrTd + 'id="WzBoDyI" style="' + sCss + '">'
 667          + tt_sContent
 668          + '</td></tr></tbody></table></div>'
 669          + (tt_aV[SHADOW]
 670              ? ('<div id="WzTtShDwR" style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;"></div>'
 671                  + '<div id="WzTtShDwB" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;"></div>')
 672              : '')
 673          );
 674      tt_GetSubDivRefs();
 675      // Convert DOM node to tip
 676      if(tt_t2t && !tt_aV[COPYCONTENT])
 677          tt_El2Tip();
 678      tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "SubDivsCreated");
 679  }
 680  function tt_GetSubDivRefs()
 681  {
 682      var aId = new Array("WzTiTl", "WzTiTlTb", "WzTiTlI", "WzClOsE", "WzBoDy", "WzBoDyI", "WzTtShDwB", "WzTtShDwR");
 684      for(var i = aId.length; i; --i)
 685          tt_aElt[i] = tt_GetElt(aId[i - 1]);
 686  }
 687  function tt_FormatTip()
 688  {
 689      var css, w, h, pad = tt_aV[PADDING], padT, wBrd = tt_aV[BORDERWIDTH],
 690      iOffY, iOffSh, iAdd = (pad + wBrd) << 1;
 692      //--------- Title DIV ----------
 693      if(tt_aV[TITLE].length)
 694      {
 695          padT = tt_aV[TITLEPADDING];
 696          css = tt_aElt[1].style;
 697          css.background = tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR];
 698          css.paddingTop = css.paddingBottom = padT + "px";
 699          css.paddingLeft = css.paddingRight = (padT + 2) + "px";
 700          css = tt_aElt[3].style;
 701          css.color = tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR];
 702          if(tt_aV[WIDTH] == -1)
 703              css.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
 704          css.fontFamily = tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE];
 705          css.fontSize = tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE];
 706          css.fontWeight = "bold";
 707          css.textAlign = tt_aV[TITLEALIGN];
 708          // Close button DIV
 709          if(tt_aElt[4])
 710          {
 711              css = tt_aElt[4].style;
 712              css.background = tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][0];
 713              css.color = tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][1];
 714              css.fontFamily = tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE];
 715              css.fontSize = tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE];
 716              css.fontWeight = "bold";
 717          }
 718          if(tt_aV[WIDTH] > 0)
 719              tt_w = tt_aV[WIDTH];
 720          else
 721          {
 722              tt_w = tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[3]) + tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[4]);
 723              // Some spacing between title DIV and closebutton
 724              if(tt_aElt[4])
 725                  tt_w += pad;
 726              // Restrict auto width to max width
 727              if(tt_aV[WIDTH] < -1 && tt_w > -tt_aV[WIDTH])
 728                  tt_w = -tt_aV[WIDTH];
 729          }
 730          // Ensure the top border of the body DIV be covered by the title DIV
 731          iOffY = -wBrd;
 732      }
 733      else
 734      {
 735          tt_w = 0;
 736          iOffY = 0;
 737      }
 739      //-------- Body DIV ------------
 740      css = tt_aElt[5].style;
 741      css.top = iOffY + "px";
 742      if(wBrd)
 743      {
 744          css.borderColor = tt_aV[BORDERCOLOR];
 745          css.borderStyle = tt_aV[BORDERSTYLE];
 746          css.borderWidth = wBrd + "px";
 747      }
 748      if(tt_aV[BGCOLOR].length)
 749          css.background = tt_aV[BGCOLOR];
 750      if(tt_aV[BGIMG].length)
 751          css.backgroundImage = "url(" + tt_aV[BGIMG] + ")";
 752      css.padding = pad + "px";
 753      css.textAlign = tt_aV[TEXTALIGN];
 754      if(tt_aV[HEIGHT])
 755      {
 756          css.overflow = "auto";
 757          if(tt_aV[HEIGHT] > 0)
 758              css.height = (tt_aV[HEIGHT] + iAdd) + "px";
 759          else
 760              tt_h = iAdd - tt_aV[HEIGHT];
 761      }
 762      // TD inside body DIV
 763      css = tt_aElt[6].style;
 764      css.color = tt_aV[FONTCOLOR];
 765      css.fontFamily = tt_aV[FONTFACE];
 766      css.fontSize = tt_aV[FONTSIZE];
 767      css.fontWeight = tt_aV[FONTWEIGHT];
 768      css.textAlign = tt_aV[TEXTALIGN];
 769      if(tt_aV[WIDTH] > 0)
 770          w = tt_aV[WIDTH];
 771      // Width like title (if existent)
 772      else if(tt_aV[WIDTH] == -1 && tt_w)
 773          w = tt_w;
 774      else
 775      {
 776          // Measure width of the body's inner TD, as some browsers would expand
 777          // the container and outer body DIV to 100%
 778          w = tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[6]);
 779          // Restrict auto width to max width
 780          if(tt_aV[WIDTH] < -1 && w > -tt_aV[WIDTH])
 781              w = -tt_aV[WIDTH];
 782      }
 783      if(w > tt_w)
 784          tt_w = w;
 785      tt_w += iAdd;
 787      //--------- Shadow DIVs ------------
 788      if(tt_aV[SHADOW])
 789      {
 790          tt_w += tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH];
 791          iOffSh = Math.floor((tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] * 4) / 3);
 792          // Bottom shadow
 793          css = tt_aElt[7].style;
 794          css.top = iOffY + "px";
 795          css.left = iOffSh + "px";
 796          css.width = (tt_w - iOffSh - tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH]) + "px";
 797          css.height = tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] + "px";
 798          css.background = tt_aV[SHADOWCOLOR];
 799          // Right shadow
 800          css = tt_aElt[8].style;
 801          css.top = iOffSh + "px";
 802          css.left = (tt_w - tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH]) + "px";
 803          css.width = tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] + "px";
 804          css.background = tt_aV[SHADOWCOLOR];
 805      }
 806      else
 807          iOffSh = 0;
 809      //-------- Container DIV -------
 810      tt_SetTipOpa(tt_aV[FADEIN] ? 0 : tt_aV[OPACITY]);
 811      tt_FixSize(iOffY, iOffSh);
 812  }
 813  // Fixate the size so it can't dynamically change while the tooltip is moving.
 814  function tt_FixSize(iOffY, iOffSh)
 815  {
 816      var wIn, wOut, h, add, pad = tt_aV[PADDING], wBrd = tt_aV[BORDERWIDTH], i;
 818      tt_aElt[0].style.width = tt_w + "px";
 819      tt_aElt[0].style.pixelWidth = tt_w;
 820      wOut = tt_w - ((tt_aV[SHADOW]) ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0);
 821      // Body
 822      wIn = wOut;
 823      if(!tt_bBoxOld)
 824          wIn -= (pad + wBrd) << 1;
 825      tt_aElt[5].style.width = wIn + "px";
 826      // Title
 827      if(tt_aElt[1])
 828      {
 829          wIn = wOut - ((tt_aV[TITLEPADDING] + 2) << 1);
 830          if(!tt_bBoxOld)
 831              wOut = wIn;
 832          tt_aElt[1].style.width = wOut + "px";
 833          tt_aElt[2].style.width = wIn + "px";
 834      }
 835      // Max height specified
 836      if(tt_h)
 837      {
 838          h = tt_GetDivH(tt_aElt[5]);
 839          if(h > tt_h)
 840          {
 841              if(!tt_bBoxOld)
 842                  tt_h -= (pad + wBrd) << 1;
 843              tt_aElt[5].style.height = tt_h + "px";
 844          }
 845      }
 846      tt_h = tt_GetDivH(tt_aElt[0]) + iOffY;
 847      // Right shadow
 848      if(tt_aElt[8])
 849          tt_aElt[8].style.height = (tt_h - iOffSh) + "px";
 850      i = tt_aElt.length - 1;
 851      if(tt_aElt[i])
 852      {
 853          tt_aElt[i].style.width = tt_w + "px";
 854          tt_aElt[i].style.height = tt_h + "px";
 855      }
 856  }
 857  function tt_DeAlt(el)
 858  {
 859      var aKid;
 861      if(el)
 862      {
 863          if(el.alt)
 864              el.alt = "";
 865          if(el.title)
 866              el.title = "";
 867          aKid = el.childNodes || el.children || null;
 868          if(aKid)
 869          {
 870              for(var i = aKid.length; i;)
 871                  tt_DeAlt(aKid[--i]);
 872          }
 873      }
 874  }
 875  // This hack removes the native tooltips over links in Opera
 876  function tt_OpDeHref(el)
 877  {
 878      if(!tt_op)
 879          return;
 880      if(tt_elDeHref)
 881          tt_OpReHref();
 882      while(el)
 883      {
 884          if(el.hasAttribute && el.hasAttribute("href"))
 885          {
 886              el.t_href = el.getAttribute("href");
 887              el.t_stats = window.status;
 888              el.removeAttribute("href");
 889              el.style.cursor = "hand";
 890              tt_AddEvtFnc(el, "mousedown", tt_OpReHref);
 891              window.status = el.t_href;
 892              tt_elDeHref = el;
 893              break;
 894          }
 895          el = tt_GetDad(el);
 896      }
 897  }
 898  function tt_OpReHref()
 899  {
 900      if(tt_elDeHref)
 901      {
 902          tt_elDeHref.setAttribute("href", tt_elDeHref.t_href);
 903          tt_RemEvtFnc(tt_elDeHref, "mousedown", tt_OpReHref);
 904          window.status = tt_elDeHref.t_stats;
 905          tt_elDeHref = null;
 906      }
 907  }
 908  function tt_El2Tip()
 909  {
 910      var css = tt_t2t.style;
 912      // Store previous positioning
 913      tt_t2t.t_cp = css.position;
 914      tt_t2t.t_cl = css.left;
 915      tt_t2t.t_ct = css.top;
 916      tt_t2t.t_cd = css.display;
 917      // Store the tag's parent element so we can restore that DOM branch
 918      // when the tooltip is being hidden
 919      tt_t2tDad = tt_GetDad(tt_t2t);
 920      tt_MovDomNode(tt_t2t, tt_t2tDad, tt_aElt[6]);
 921      css.display = "block";
 922      css.position = "static";
 923      css.left = css.top = css.marginLeft = css.marginTop = "0px";
 924  }
 925  function tt_UnEl2Tip()
 926  {
 927      // Restore positioning and display
 928      var css = tt_t2t.style;
 930      css.display = tt_t2t.t_cd;
 931      tt_MovDomNode(tt_t2t, tt_GetDad(tt_t2t), tt_t2tDad);
 932      css.position = tt_t2t.t_cp;
 933      css.left = tt_t2t.t_cl;
 934      css.top = tt_t2t.t_ct;
 935      tt_t2tDad = null;
 936  }
 937  function tt_OverInit()
 938  {
 939      if(window.event)
 940          tt_over = window.event.target || window.event.srcElement;
 941      else
 942          tt_over = tt_ovr_;
 943      tt_DeAlt(tt_over);
 944      tt_OpDeHref(tt_over);
 945  }
 946  function tt_ShowInit()
 947  {
 948      tt_tShow.Timer("tt_Show()", tt_aV[DELAY], true);
 949      if(tt_aV[CLICKCLOSE] || tt_aV[CLICKSTICKY])
 950          tt_AddEvtFnc(document, "mouseup", tt_OnLClick);
 951  }
 952  function tt_Show()
 953  {
 954      var css = tt_aElt[0].style;
 956      // Override the z-index of the topmost wz_dragdrop.js D&D item
 957      css.zIndex = Math.max((window.dd && dd.z) ? (dd.z + 2) : 0, 1010);
 958      if(tt_aV[STICKY] || !tt_aV[FOLLOWMOUSE])
 959          tt_iState &= ~0x4;
 960      if(tt_aV[EXCLUSIVE])
 961          tt_iState |= 0x8;
 962      if(tt_aV[DURATION] > 0)
 963          tt_tDurt.Timer("tt_HideInit()", tt_aV[DURATION], true);
 964      tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "Show")
 965      css.visibility = "visible";
 966      tt_iState |= 0x2;
 967      if(tt_aV[FADEIN])
 968          tt_Fade(0, 0, tt_aV[OPACITY], Math.round(tt_aV[FADEIN] / tt_aV[FADEINTERVAL]));
 969      tt_ShowIfrm();
 970  }
 971  function tt_ShowIfrm()
 972  {
 973      if(tt_ie56)
 974      {
 975          var ifrm = tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1];
 976          if(ifrm)
 977          {
 978              var css = ifrm.style;
 979              css.zIndex = tt_aElt[0].style.zIndex - 1;
 980              css.display = "block";
 981          }
 982      }
 983  }
 984  function tt_Move(e)
 985  {
 986      if(e)
 987          tt_ovr_ = e.target || e.srcElement;
 988      e = e || window.event;
 989      if(e)
 990      {
 991          tt_musX = tt_GetEvtX(e);
 992          tt_musY = tt_GetEvtY(e);
 993      }
 994      if(tt_iState & 0x4)
 995      {
 996          // Prevent jam of mousemove events
 997          if(!tt_op && !tt_ie)
 998          {
 999              if(tt_bWait)
1000                  return;
1001              tt_bWait = true;
1002              tt_tWaitMov.Timer("tt_bWait = false;", 1, true);
1003          }
1004          if(tt_aV[FIX])
1005          {
1006              tt_iState &= ~0x4;
1007              tt_PosFix();
1008          }
1009          else if(!tt_ExtCallFncs(e, "MoveBefore"))
1010              tt_SetTipPos(tt_Pos(0), tt_Pos(1));
1011          tt_ExtCallFncs([tt_musX, tt_musY], "MoveAfter")
1012      }
1013  }
1014  function tt_Pos(iDim)
1015  {
1016      var iX, bJmpMod, cmdAlt, cmdOff, cx, iMax, iScrl, iMus, bJmp;
1018      // Map values according to dimension to calculate
1019      if(iDim)
1020      {
1021          bJmpMod = tt_aV[JUMPVERT];
1022          cmdAlt = ABOVE;
1023          cmdOff = OFFSETY;
1024          cx = tt_h;
1025          iMax = tt_maxPosY;
1026          iScrl = tt_scrlY;
1027          iMus = tt_musY;
1028          bJmp = tt_bJmpVert;
1029      }
1030      else
1031      {
1032          bJmpMod = tt_aV[JUMPHORZ];
1033          cmdAlt = LEFT;
1034          cmdOff = OFFSETX;
1035          cx = tt_w;
1036          iMax = tt_maxPosX;
1037          iScrl = tt_scrlX;
1038          iMus = tt_musX;
1039          bJmp = tt_bJmpHorz;
1040      }
1041      if(bJmpMod)
1042      {
1043          if(tt_aV[cmdAlt] && (!bJmp || tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim) >= iScrl + 16))
1044              iX = tt_PosAlt(iDim);
1045          else if(!tt_aV[cmdAlt] && bJmp && tt_CalcPosDef(iDim) > iMax - 16)
1046              iX = tt_PosAlt(iDim);
1047          else
1048              iX = tt_PosDef(iDim);
1049      }
1050      else
1051      {
1052          iX = iMus;
1053          if(tt_aV[cmdAlt])
1054              iX -= cx + tt_aV[cmdOff] - (tt_aV[SHADOW] ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0);
1055          else
1056              iX += tt_aV[cmdOff];
1057      }
1058      // Prevent tip from extending past clientarea boundary
1059      if(iX > iMax)
1060          iX = bJmpMod ? tt_PosAlt(iDim) : iMax;
1061      // In case of insufficient space on both sides, ensure the left/upper part
1062      // of the tip be visible
1063      if(iX < iScrl)
1064          iX = bJmpMod ? tt_PosDef(iDim) : iScrl;
1065      return iX;
1066  }
1067  function tt_PosDef(iDim)
1068  {
1069      if(iDim)
1070          tt_bJmpVert = tt_aV[ABOVE];
1071      else
1072          tt_bJmpHorz = tt_aV[LEFT];
1073      return tt_CalcPosDef(iDim);
1074  }
1075  function tt_PosAlt(iDim)
1076  {
1077      if(iDim)
1078          tt_bJmpVert = !tt_aV[ABOVE];
1079      else
1080          tt_bJmpHorz = !tt_aV[LEFT];
1081      return tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim);
1082  }
1083  function tt_CalcPosDef(iDim)
1084  {
1085      return iDim ? (tt_musY + tt_aV[OFFSETY]) : (tt_musX + tt_aV[OFFSETX]);
1086  }
1087  function tt_CalcPosAlt(iDim)
1088  {
1089      var cmdOff = iDim ? OFFSETY : OFFSETX;
1090      var dx = tt_aV[cmdOff] - (tt_aV[SHADOW] ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0);
1091      if(tt_aV[cmdOff] > 0 && dx <= 0)
1092          dx = 1;
1093      return((iDim ? (tt_musY - tt_h) : (tt_musX - tt_w)) - dx);
1094  }
1095  function tt_PosFix()
1096  {
1097      var iX, iY;
1099      if(typeof(tt_aV[FIX][0]) == "number")
1100      {
1101          iX = tt_aV[FIX][0];
1102          iY = tt_aV[FIX][1];
1103      }
1104      else
1105      {
1106          if(typeof(tt_aV[FIX][0]) == "string")
1107              el = tt_GetElt(tt_aV[FIX][0]);
1108          // First slot in array is direct reference to HTML element
1109          else
1110              el = tt_aV[FIX][0];
1111          iX = tt_aV[FIX][1];
1112          iY = tt_aV[FIX][2];
1113          // By default, vert pos is related to bottom edge of HTML element
1114          if(!tt_aV[ABOVE] && el)
1115              iY += tt_GetDivH(el);
1116          for(; el; el = el.offsetParent)
1117          {
1118              iX += el.offsetLeft || 0;
1119              iY += el.offsetTop || 0;
1120          }
1121      }
1122      // For a fixed tip positioned above the mouse, use the bottom edge as anchor
1123      // (recommended by Christophe Rebeschini, 31.1.2008)
1124      if(tt_aV[ABOVE])
1125          iY -= tt_h;
1126      tt_SetTipPos(iX, iY);
1127  }
1128  function tt_Fade(a, now, z, n)
1129  {
1130      if(n)
1131      {
1132          now += Math.round((z - now) / n);
1133          if((z > a) ? (now >= z) : (now <= z))
1134              now = z;
1135          else
1136              tt_tFade.Timer(
1137                  "tt_Fade("
1138                  + a + "," + now + "," + z + "," + (n - 1)
1139                  + ")",
1140                  tt_aV[FADEINTERVAL],
1141                  true
1142              );
1143      }
1144      now ? tt_SetTipOpa(now) : tt_Hide();
1145  }
1146  function tt_SetTipOpa(opa)
1147  {
1148      // To circumvent the opacity nesting flaws of IE, we set the opacity
1149      // for each sub-DIV separately, rather than for the container DIV.
1150      tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[5], opa);
1151      if(tt_aElt[1])
1152          tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[1], opa);
1153      if(tt_aV[SHADOW])
1154      {
1155          opa = Math.round(opa * 0.8);
1156          tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[7], opa);
1157          tt_SetOpa(tt_aElt[8], opa);
1158      }
1159  }
1160  function tt_OnScrl()
1161  {
1162      tt_scrlX = tt_GetScrollX();
1163      tt_scrlY = tt_GetScrollY();
1164  }
1165  function tt_OnCloseBtnOver(iOver)
1166  {
1167      var css = tt_aElt[4].style;
1169      iOver <<= 1;
1170      css.background = tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][iOver];
1171      css.color = tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][iOver + 1];
1172  }
1173  function tt_OnLClick(e)
1174  {
1175      //  Ignore right-clicks
1176      e = e || window.event;
1177      if(!((e.button && e.button & 2) || (e.which && e.which == 3)))
1178      {
1179          if(tt_aV[CLICKSTICKY] && (tt_iState & 0x4))
1180          {
1181              tt_aV[STICKY] = true;
1182              tt_iState &= ~0x4;
1183          }
1184          else if(tt_aV[CLICKCLOSE])
1185              tt_HideInit();
1186      }
1187  }
1188  function tt_Int(x)
1189  {
1190      var y;
1192      return(isNaN(y = parseInt(x)) ? 0 : y);
1193  }
1194  Number.prototype.Timer = function(s, iT, bUrge)
1195  {
1196      if(!this.value || bUrge)
1197          this.value = window.setTimeout(s, iT);
1198  }
1199  Number.prototype.EndTimer = function()
1200  {
1201      if(this.value)
1202      {
1203          window.clearTimeout(this.value);
1204          this.value = 0;
1205      }
1206  }
1207  function tt_GetWndCliSiz(s)
1208  {
1209      var db, y = window["inner" + s], sC = "client" + s, sN = "number";
1210      if(typeof y == sN)
1211      {
1212          var y2;
1213          return(
1214              // Gecko or Opera with scrollbar
1215              // ... quirks mode
1216              ((db = document.body) && typeof(y2 = db[sC]) == sN && y2 &&  y2 <= y) ? y2 
1217              // ... strict mode
1218              : ((db = document.documentElement) && typeof(y2 = db[sC]) == sN && y2 && y2 <= y) ? y2
1219              // No scrollbar, or clientarea size == 0, or other browser (KHTML etc.)
1220              : y
1221          );
1222      }
1223      // IE
1224      return(
1225          // document.documentElement.client+s functional, returns > 0
1226          ((db = document.documentElement) && (y = db[sC])) ? y
1227          // ... not functional, in which case document.body.client+s 
1228          // is the clientarea size, fortunately
1229          : document.body[sC]
1230      );
1231  }
1232  function tt_SetOpa(el, opa)
1233  {
1234      var css = el.style;
1236      tt_opa = opa;
1237      if(tt_flagOpa == 1)
1238      {
1239          if(opa < 100)
1240          {
1241              // Hacks for bugs of IE:
1242              // 1.) Once a CSS filter has been applied, fonts are no longer
1243              // anti-aliased, so we store the previous 'non-filter' to be
1244              // able to restore it
1245              if(typeof(el.filtNo) == tt_u)
1246                  el.filtNo = css.filter;
1247              // 2.) A DIV cannot be made visible in a single step if an
1248              // opacity < 100 has been applied while the DIV was hidden
1249              var bVis = css.visibility != "hidden";
1250              // 3.) In IE6, applying an opacity < 100 has no effect if the
1251              //       element has no layout (position, size, zoom, ...)
1252              css.zoom = "100%";
1253              if(!bVis)
1254                  css.visibility = "visible";
1255              css.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opa + ")";
1256              if(!bVis)
1257                  css.visibility = "hidden";
1258          }
1259          else if(typeof(el.filtNo) != tt_u)
1260              // Restore 'non-filter'
1261              css.filter = el.filtNo;
1262      }
1263      else
1264      {
1265          opa /= 100.0;
1266          switch(tt_flagOpa)
1267          {
1268          case 2:
1269              css.KhtmlOpacity = opa; break;
1270          case 3:
1271              css.KHTMLOpacity = opa; break;
1272          case 4:
1273              css.MozOpacity = opa; break;
1274          case 5:
1275              css.opacity = opa; break;
1276          }
1277      }
1278  }
1279  function tt_Err(sErr, bIfDebug)
1280  {
1281      if(tt_Debug || !bIfDebug)
1282          alert("Tooltip Script Error Message:\n\n" + sErr);
1283  }
1285  //============  EXTENSION (PLUGIN) MANAGER  ===============//
1286  function tt_ExtCmdEnum()
1287  {
1288      var s;
1290      // Add new command(s) to the commands enum
1291      for(var i in config)
1292      {
1293          s = "window." + i.toString().toUpperCase();
1294          if(eval("typeof(" + s + ") == tt_u"))
1295          {
1296              eval(s + " = " + tt_aV.length);
1297              tt_aV[tt_aV.length] = null;
1298          }
1299      }
1300  }
1301  function tt_ExtCallFncs(arg, sFnc)
1302  {
1303      var b = false;
1304      for(var i = tt_aExt.length; i;)
1305      {--i;
1306          var fnc = tt_aExt[i]["On" + sFnc];
1307          // Call the method the extension has defined for this event
1308          if(fnc && fnc(arg))
1309              b = true;
1310      }
1311      return b;
1312  }
1314  tt_Init();

Generated: Tue Mar 17 22:47:18 2015 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1