C-evo: New Horizons - Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

C-evo: New Horizons

🗃️ Specifications

📰 Title: C-evo: New Horizons 🕹️ / 🛠️ Type: Game
🗃️ Genre: Strategy 👁️ Visual: 2.5D
🏷️ Category: Strategy ➤ Wargame (on map) ➤ Economy ➤ Civilization, Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, ... 🏝️ Perspective: Bird's-eye view
🔖 Tags: Civilization ⏱️ Pacing: Turn-Based
🐣️ Approx. start: 👫️ Played: Single
🐓️ Latest: 🚦 Status: 04. Released (status)
📍️ Version: Latest: 1.3.3 ❤️ Like it: 9. ⏳️
🏛️ License type: 🎁 Free of charge 🎀️ Quality: 7. ⏳️
🏛️ License: Free ✨️ (temporary):
🐛️ Created: 2010-08-20 🐜️ Updated: 2024-08-04

📦️ Deliverables

📦️ Package name: ..... 📦️ Arch: ✓
📄️ Source: ✓ ..... 📦️ RPM: ✓
⚙️ Generic binary: ✓ ..... 📦️ Deb: ✓
🌍️ Browser version: ..... 📦️ AppImage:
📱️ PDA support: ..... 📦️ Flatpak:
✨️ Not use: ..... 📦️ Snap: ✓

🚦 Entry status

📰 What's new?: 👔️ Already shown:
💡 Lights on: 💭️ New version published (to be updated): ✓
🎨️ Significant improvement: 🦺️ Work in progress:
🎖️ This work: 3 stars 🚧️ Some work remains to be done: ✓
👫️ Contrib.: goupildb & Louis 👻️ Temporary:
🎰️ ID: 10506

🕸️ Links

🏡️ Website & videos
[Homepage] [Dev site] [Features/About] [Screenshots] [Videos t(202xxx) gd(202xxx) gu(202xxx) r(202xxx) lp(202xxx) ht(202xxx)

g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx) g(202xxx)

g[fr](202xxx) g[de](202xxx) g[ru](202xxx) g[pl](202xxx) g[cz](202xxx) g[sp](202xxx) g[pt](202xxx) g[it](202xxx) g[tr](202xxx)] [WIKI] [FAQ] [RSS] [Changelog 1 2 3]

💰 Commercial
• (empty)

🍩️ Resources
• c-evo (original game & resources) (a freeware empire building game for Windows, free): [Homepage] [Dev site] 🎬️ g(202xxx)

🛠️ Technical informations
[PCGamingWiki] [MobyGames] [Gros Pixels (Civilization) [fr]]

🦣️ Social
Devs (Credits 1 2 [fr] [en]): [Site 1 2] [Chat] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [Interview 1(202xxx) 2(202xxx)]
The Project: [Blog] [Chat] [Forums] [mastodon] [PeerTube] [YouTube] [PressKit] [Lemmy] [reddit] [Discord]

🐝️ Related
[Wikipedia (Civilization) [fr] [en] [de]]
[HOLaRSE [de]]

📦️ Misc. repositories
[Repology] [pkgs.org] [Generic binary] [Arch Linux / AUR] [openSUSE] (author's repo) [Debian/Ubuntu] (author's repo) [Flatpak] [AppImage(author's repo)] [Snap] [PortableLinuxGames]

🕵️ Reviews
[HowLongToBeat] [metacritic] [OpenCritic] [iGDB]

🕊️ Source of this Entry: [HOLaRSE [de]]

🦣️ Social Networking Update (on mastodon)

🕹️ Title: C-evo: New Horizons
🦊️ What's:
📖 Our entry: https://www.lebottindesjeuxlinux.tuxfamily.org/en/online/lights-on/

🥁️ Update:
📌️ Changes:
🦣️ From: 🛜️

🏝️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🦉️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🦝️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🦝️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🦝️[fr] https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🕵️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🕯️[fr] https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎲️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎲️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎲️[fr] https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎲️👥️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎮️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎮️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/
🎮️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/


📚️ C-evo: New Horizons is a

📕 Description [en]

📜️ "blabla" 📜️

Welcome to C-evo: New Horizons homepage.

C-evo is turn-based empire building game inspired by Civilization II game.

This is a fork and Lazarus port of the original game which can be found at ​www.c-evo.org


All from original game C-evo 1.2.0
Supported platforms: Windows and Linux
Supported architectures: 32-bit and 64-bit x86, 64-bit ARM
Localizations included: Czech, German, Italian, Russian, French, Chinese Simplified and Traditional
Graphics files converted from BMP to PNG
Game text files .txt converted to UTF-8 encoding
Removed external Configurator application written in C#/.NET. Used in-game configuration interface.
Used latest available Delphi StdAI.
Added installer scripts for Windows, Ubuntu/Debian, Fedora/RHEL/CentOS Linux and Ubuntu snap.
Design time components converted to Lazarus package (CevoComponents.lpk)
User configurable key bindings
Zoom-able map in three levels by mouse wheel
High DPI screens support

c-evo (original):


C-evo is a freeware empire building game for Windows.
With a time scope of several thousand years, it covers aspects of exploration and expansion, industry and agriculture, warfare and diplomacy, science and administration. C-evo follows the spirit of popular turn-based strategy games from the mid 90s, but with more emphasis on powerful AI and careful design of the rules, resulting in a true challenge.

The game is based on Microprose's famous Sid Meier's Civilization and has many basic ideas in common with it. Actually, this project has arised from the wish to correct annoying design mistakes and AI weaknesses of Civ II. The priorities of the C-evo project are considerably different from big commercial games. While those are focused on easy entertainment and mainly compete for the most realistic and exciting up-to-date multimedia, this one aims at ageless challenge. There are six design principles, see below.

The project does not have a team in the classic meaning. I'm doing the main programming alone and I put my work to the public domain, while the game graphics are supplied by the Civ community. Since a clever AI is essential for a strategy game, C-evo has an open AI interface implemented. So everyone who feels called to can code his personal AI engine and let it compete against others. Some alternative AIs are already available from the files section.

If you have questions or comments concerning the game or the project, put a posting to the forum or contact me. But before, please read the FAQ.

📕 Description [fr]

Un jeu de construction d'empire dans la lignée de Civilizations.
En Delphi.

C-evo: New Horizons est un fork et un portage Lazarus (Free Pascal) de c-evo, un jeu de stratégie / construction d'empire inspiré de Civilisation II.